Sunday, October 24, 2004

Love is spelled -T.I.M.E.

Sunday is sermon day. Today, all the 9yrs (Std 3) old boys and girls and the 16 yrs (Form Four) old youths from my church had their 'coming of age' ceremony (1st Holy Communion and Confirmation). The boys and girls are soooo adorable, especially the girls in their white dress and white flowers head band.

So, the parents, as usual, will get a long sermon from the Bishop about bringing up children. One would think that the Bishop will lecture us with a long list of do's and don'ts. But no such thing. Bishop just ask us parents to give the children two things. TIME. And also telling our children who GOD is. (Actually the sermon/homily is really long but that's what this tiny brain of mine heard.)

TIME - The Bishop reminded us that in our twilight years, we will need our children to be by our side. When we are weak, the only thing we look forward to is our children. How then are we going to make sure that our children will be there for us at that age? He said give them our time when they are young.

GOD - Our children will not be forever in our protection and care. They will go on their own way. So, assure them of God's presence.

Hmm... that sounds simple enough. But can I fulfil that? Let me go ponder...

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