Saturday, January 01, 2005

My first blog in 2005

Yeah, I had done the countdown, minute of silence, sang the o-lang-sai (Scottish is auld lang syne, Hokkien is black people's shit, English means something like Old long since??) and fulfilled my obligations.

Not to mention, hic, hic, burp, burp, kiss, kiss, hug, hug and all that yearly stuffs.

So, here I am, penning my first blog in the New Year 2005. May the 365 days ahead be filled with lots of thoughtful posts. "Let your conversation be pleasing with a touch of wit. Know how to speak to everyone in the best way." That, will be my guide from Col. 4:6.

Just a while ago, I had a pleasant surprise. As doc would say *kembang*. It is not so much of getting accolades from fellow bloggers but getting some very frank words from a teenage girl (entry dd 31.12.04). I love it when someone said 'WTF, mommy's blog? freaks me out!' coupled with *RUN*. Ha ha ha, it is cool to be 'noticed' by young bloggers, almost the same age as my kids. Another motivation is being called "having guts of a thousand hairy gall bladders". And also "you seem like a 15 year old immature kid".

Oh boy, with such references, I sure do look forward to slog and blog through 2005. Yam Seng to 2005 and the blogging mania!

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