Thursday, January 27, 2005

Women who want the men's balls

How do mens' balls feel like?

... hope that you will stop prophecising such shameful thoughts of yours. Woman's right and self respect came a long way. We still have a long way to go. And please stop blaming PMS for all the problems around you or other woman. Stop being such a submissive woman, stand up for yourself. There is nothing man can do and we can't.
Kok aka Phooi San| Homepage | 01.27.05 - 6:08 pm | #

This is too much fun not to highlight. I actually have one young Asian lady (her own reference) who said I am practising double standard because I said it is ok for men to smoke (if they choose to die faster) but not ok for women to smoke (because I feel it is endangering their future babies).

Tiny firecrackers like such do not bother me because I find it amusing that we actually have women who die-die want to fight for equality and all the blahs and grab the men by their balls and if possible, chop them off.

Here's what I said :
Hellloo...if you want to go and burn your bra, go ahead and burn ok? Don't come here and give your half tank shit. Either you read through ALL my blogs or just stay away from commenting.
lilian | Email | Homepage | 01.27.05 - 6:25 pm | #

My question is - Is it wise for women to use this approach to fight for equality? The approach I am referring to is their wild, rude and loud manners? Is it any wonder that women continue to have problems with their images?

How would a husband feel if he has a wife who throws the tantrums and screams at him all the time? Isn't it a pain to have female colleagues like that? The kind who create ruckus in the office without knowing the proper way of oiling the boss? And have you met women who dragged in their ancestors, parents, Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah (histories), your balls and such and use them as their debate points? Ewwwws...women like these are really a pain in the ass. Kicking up a big fuss with their narrow mind.

To all the women who are screaming for equality - go get some lessons on how to exist peacefully with men. Go learn some young ladies' manners. Use the oak tree and the lallang as guide. If you do not know what oak and lallang represent, too bad, you need more lessons.

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