Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Don't dream until you know what is SEO, PPC and SEM

So I made some dough with blogging. To be exact, I make five K in a month. It is through my years of studying the patterns of the internet movement and read all those mind-numbing articles by the SEO gurus. It is not some fluke shot that suddenly cause me make money.

However, people out there thinks one just make money from the internet because others do. No, it doesn't work like that. If you do not have the patience like me to study, read, understand and know what are PPC tools and how it will benefits business sites as well as publishers like us, then, I suggest you hire someone who knows their stuffs.

There are many SEO tools out there and you can get them online. If you really dream of making your site hot, then, you have to invest. Dreaming about it won't take you anywhere, except drooling in your sleep.

So, folks, go over to this site for some search engine marketing hints. You will benefit as publishers and as advertisers.

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