Sunday, May 13, 2007

For posterity sake

My last comment on this blog:

Fuck you! If you don't dare to leave my earlier comment online, never mind. I will post it on my own blog next week, along with Rachel's comments. So, you better take off my name from your blardy post now. Don't drag my name into this.

I am angry because this stupid woman used my name in her post and yet refused to let my comment get through. Moreover, she deleted my earlier comment.

To sss1979:

I think it is very childish of you to delete your blog and waste those money that are still pending to you. Moreover, you have breached the advertisers' contract that you take their money, you put their links indefinitely. I hope they don't sue you. You don't have the common sense to even think rationally and logically. No one force you to delete your blog. No one expects you to do anything. A simple apology would have sufficed. But since you are silly enough to get all your logic messed up, no one can help you. Remember, the cause is from you. The reason you delete your blog, is your own doing. None of the moms asked you to take this path. So, don't try to make it like it is OUR fault and you are the victim here. A person without the grit and logic shouldn't be on the internet anyway.

Moreover, where is your integrity as a mom? You started a blog for your son, you deleted that just because of a mistake you commit? Where is your dedication to your child?

And to you Rachel = You are another one fucked up person. I am the administrator of a forum, I don't tell my members personally about every complaints from other members. Who the fuck you think I am? A school teacher who goes around telling my little pupils to behave? Fuck no, I just put a simple forum thread and I have never mentioned any name. So if you are so mind-fucked and take it upon yourself, it is no one fault. None of us, especially me, said anything about what you yourself revealed above.

Now, does the two of you notice any similarity between yourselves? Why do you have the problems more than the others? Ask yourselves, is it us or is it you?

And now, the dirty parts from Racheal, the sei pat phor who meddled into this. Here are all your comments :

rachealliang said...

Dear Nicole:

i treat u as friend,when u sad, i am always here to listen to u till late night,

when u cry, u sms me, i call u immediately, and said. dear. dont cry. dont cry..

u know.. because seeing u suffer cried for the whole night.. i just can't sleep!

thinking how they hurt me deeply, badly too??

u know the case right???

at the parenting forum? last time.. i dont know cannot put singer photos there, cannot put my what they call"heavy make up photos", what ages wedding photos, to the parenting forum. (why?? some people like to bad mouthing me??)..

they should have.. SEND A PRIVATE MESSAGE said.. hey.. girl.. u did something wrong.. and some moms dont like u to display your photos.

give me unofficially warning first...

but sadly..? they didnt give me a FRIENDLY WARNING.. hahahah.. and terus HANTAM GUAH gao gao! in the parenting forum..

DID MY PHOTOS? considered a "MURDER CASE" so big issue??? in that parenting forum? well.. nevermind.. we can't stop people bad mouthing.. this is why i always teach u.. remember?


yes. i am wrong for so "sam pat poh" sibuk go and put my photos, my idol photos and my what they call my husband BREASTFEED HUSBAND PHOTOS!

SHOISHOI. and the Administrator.. rrrrr..speechless..(waste of my time to talk about them)

that is why. i dont bother to go to this parenting forum! rrrr..

for first.. when i saw MONTESSORIMUM blog.. see her paste your chat with her.. in the blog..

i am real angry.. and real disappointed.. on why?? why?? u tell lies again,, playing on nasty tricks again...???

u know?? how much i protect u?? i am very much support u?? sibuk sibuk go to that lady blog(and ask for peace..) or sibuk leave my so call what they called irritaing comments.. said? i acted like an angel to protect your wrong doing?? how disheartening u know???

u always ask me to vote for sean photos competitions, i voted everytime. never miss. i am sure u know about it. u win the contest.. i get nothing, but i am happy.

u sad, u unhappy, i am always here to talk to u, always here to listen.. till late night..

now.. this big issues.. came out.. everybody "BOOM" u.. did I??

i protect u instead.. till they all HATE ME.

u cried whole night. and u sms me at 6am morning, i wake up. and i sms u back.. asked u dont cry..

i didnt sleep for the whole night..

thinking how to help u settle this trouble.

people hantam u.. i hantam them back.

for what?? friendships.. here i am for u..

but.. until... again.. as i said..

found MONTESSORIMUM blog regarding the chat... wow..

real sad.. real disappointed.. what a lies... again.. u break your promise.. u ..again... dishonest...playing nasty again...sigh...

please.. girl...

delete all your selfish, nasty,

u promised want to be a good girl, u dont want to be a bad minded person,, remember u told me like that?


wish u will be a good girl tomorrow..

yah.. i am real sad.. why.. again.. u want to hurt me like that??...

now is 3am.. i am writing this to u.

what is friends for??...

sigh...(crying.. )

again.. i hope your case close quickly.. hope u dont do PPP what tag this tag again...

focus on your family,

blog for pleasure.. not for money..


take care....

May 11, 2007 12:06 PM
rachealliang said...

oh nicole:

no need to promote as a good blogger.. gahhhh.. i am not a $$$$$$$$$ blogger$$$$$.. i dont allow "any advertisement" in my blog, as i told u, i blog for fun, not for $$$$MONEY$$$$


my blog is only allow ~~my real friends to read my "Locked posts". those are not my friends just cannot read all my locked posts.

also.. Nicole.. i am too.. sorry.. if i offended to u too...I am real sorry....(cry...)

now .. u choose to gain frienships more than Money$$$$..(watch out~!! now.. u know.. who is real friens.. who is......get me kah?>..)

this is a good start...

tomorrow will be a new u...

good night.. (good morning)

dont cry anymore.. okay..

remember.. we can't stop Evil from Bad Mouthing u.. or me..

u see. before i want to scold u, i called u, i let u know too, i will never want to back(bad) talk u.(i prefer face to face talk)

To solve problem...not to create problem. okay

we believe in "buddhism"..

May 11, 2007 12:30 PM

And if you all think I am evil, read what I posted on my forum. For fuck sake it is only a simple reminder to all members to keep their avatar small. You stupid Racheal, no one said anything about anyone except you yourself who go and expose your own self. Fuck the two of you.

And in case the stupid sss1979 go delete completely her blog, I am going to keep the post here as well.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Lilian : Thank you for guiding me in PPP and I’m sorry that if I have given you a ‘bad’ name just because of this issue.

I hereby also sincere apologize to all the mothers whom I have taken your idea and stuff in your blog. Please accept my sincere apologize.

Lastly, in-order to prove my sincere apologize to all of you who I have offended, I decided to stop my bloging from now onward.

Also, many thanks to those who have helping me and supporting me all this while.

For those who still want be my friends, my msn and email are still open for you.


Posted by sss at 10:42 AM 4 comments
(there were 10 comments but she deleted till left 4 and now, no one can commented)

Scare yet? You bet. No one messed with me and sleep in peace.


Anonymous said...

To this lady(again, i will not want to put your name here, as i dont want to be so rude to u)

firstly, in this sss blog, i didnt mention who is the administator.. again.. huh.. u are the one tell everyone this is u..

why i dare to leave a comment in sss blog that what i wrote:

""thinking how they hurt me deeply, badly too??

u know the case right???

at the parenting forum? last time.. i dont know cannot put singer photos there, cannot put my what they call"heavy make up photos", what ages wedding photos, to the parenting forum. (why?? some people like to bad mouthing me??)..

they should have.. SEND A PRIVATE MESSAGE said.. hey.. girl.. u did something wrong.. and some moms dont like u to display your photos.

give me unofficially warning first...

but sadly..? they didnt give me a FRIENDLY WARNING.. hahahah.. and terus HANTAM GUAH gao gao! in the parenting forum..

DID MY PHOTOS? considered a "MURDER CASE" so big issue??? in that parenting forum? well.. nevermind.. we can't stop people bad mouthing.. this is why i always teach u.. remember?


yes. i am wrong for so "sam pat poh" sibuk go and put my photos, my idol photos and my what they call my husband BREASTFEED HUSBAND PHOTOS!

SHOISHOI. and the Administrator.. rrrrr..speechless..(waste of my time to talk about them)

that is why. i dont bother to go to this parenting forum! rrrr..""

see properly lady, i dont even put your name in sss blog.. u are the one to reveal..

also what ever i said ,true is true in this sss blog. i dont even BAD MOUTHING both of u. as i told earlier.. I believe in religion, my religion teach me not to start war, not to harm anyone..

i hope u stop rude to sss and I, (u rude to us, but we never play rude to u, and we will not.)

go to your own blog, read properly why i said bad mouthing means..

especially one lady mentioned in your blog ,

in your blog(comment u leave) , u told her.. hahahaha.. bla bla blah.. u said u raise up the issue too. asked her know or not?

this lady then leave a comment in your blog too , said "ah yes, no more pix of u (her, i mean) in sarung only, heavily made-up face, wedding photo from a decade ago and favourite ah beng singer…and be gone with the corny story of ur breastfed husband, bah!

1st: is it right at the first place u said?? CORNY STORY OF OF BREASFED HUSBAND?? (i am not stupid... blind person also know she is talking about me like this.. ) tell u what , she is so wrong to condemn my husband like this..

lady... u are too wrong to being so rude...

REMEBER... religion never teach us to fight, to start war.. to hurt someone..

well, even u hantam sss and me like this.. never mind.. i just can stop u keep going bad mouthing on me.or sss.

remember, people got her own family, what happend if the family seing u do like this.. keep on start the war, start fight?? sigh...

if u still angry for this small things. .. i prefer u to face talk to me. I HATE PEOPLE BACK FIRE, whic is not a good moral..

write to me in private ask for my telephone no. i prefer face to face talk. instead of BELAKANG MARI HANTAM PEOPLE.. which i think is real no good.

take care.

Montessorimum said... "nama harum" has been included in this post also ka??

Btw, I didn't even mention name, but somehow, someone go post the name BIG BIG in the comment...aiya...I have yet to go amend it, coz I just login after the weekend break.