Thursday, August 23, 2007


My two older kids have been trying to teach me how to voice chat. However, I just am not into chatting with talking. I have so much distractions, noises in the background and the five times a day prayers.

So, I have never done that before. Maybe it is because I was from the old skool and have never used a VoIP phone systems during my working life. That's why I get a little weird if I have to talk to people from all over the places.

When I read about this VoIP phone systems by Xpander, I admit I get a little intimidated. They said the systems are designed to be the most flexible and user friendly business phone systems on earth. With features like plug & play VoIP phones that work anywhere there is broadband and web control panels where you re route your extension, manage voicemail, and click to dial users, Nimbus VoIP phone systems give businesses complete and total control over their phones & features.

Oh wow, that's impressive! But how do I get used to technology like this?

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