Friday, February 01, 2008

Did Chuck Norris says Buzzfuse* helps promote his blog?

My friend told me about this as she knows I am *that* age where Chuck Norris was the regular feature on TV series. I mean, I am that old to know Chuck Norris. She said she saw on Buzzfuse* site that Chuck Norris said Buzzfuse* has helped him to promote his blog.

So, both of us also joined because we are fans of Chuck Norris! But that's not all. We want to increase our blogs traffics and Buzzfuse sounds like a good social community to do that. If you have been reading all the SEO gurus blogs, they keep pumping into us to join social community to increase our blog readership and traffic.

Don't you want to be part of it too? Just go over to the link and sign up. With a few simple steps, your blog will be up there with Chuck Norris. LOLZ. See you there!

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