Friday, May 25, 2007

PayPerPost new feature - PayPerPostDirect

By now, the blogsphere will be buzzing with PayPerPost new feature which is called PPP Direct. PPP has been helping advertisers to find excellent bloggers to review their products and services at the marketplace through blog marketing . Now. they have a new feature which enable potential advertisers to go direct to the bloggers.

What is great about this is we, the bloggers get a massive amount. We are free to quote our price and put it on the sidebar. If an advertiser likes our blog and wish us to write a review for their company, all they need is to fill in the form which is available once they click the button on the sidebar.

Well, after reading and understanding how it works, I must say that this is thoroughly different from most other pay to post companies. You see, PPP allows us to take the big portion of the fee and they only charge a minimal 10%, of which 5% goes to PayPal or credit card charges.

This means, we get to pocket the income without having middleman to take a 50% cut. Now, does this make you go...WOW? Then, read this post on PPP Direct , watch the overview video and see it live on Andy 's blog.

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